Name: Lazy Load for Joomla! (LLFJ)
Version: (Joomla! 5) / (Joomla! 4) / (Joomla! 3)
Type: Plugin
License: GPLv3
Description: With Lazy Load for Joomla!, images are only loaded when a visitor scrolls to the images. Images are loaded only in the visible area. Advantage: save bandwidth and load the pages much faster.
Download: LLFJ - Lazy Load for Joomla! Downloads
LLFJ loads images only when the are needed - Plugin for Joomla!
With this plugin images are only loaded when a visitor scrolls to the images. It saves your server bandwidth and saves your users from load images that they never scroll to. This increases the loading speed of all pages.
If there are problems in the output of some components, they can be excluded in the settings. LLFJ is not running in excluded components and the pages will load normally.
Lazy Load script by Mika Tuupola (jQuery) / LazyLoad script by Andrea Verlicchi (Plain JavaScript).
- Images are loaded only in visible areas (viewport)
- Supported frameworks: Built-in lazy-loading attribute (Pro only) / Plain JavaScript (Pro only) / jQuery
- Threshold feature - preloads images within specified range (in pixels)
- Saves bandwidth
- Increases the loading speed of all pages
- Nice fade-in effect
- No additional external framework required
- Exclude images
- Exclude components
- Exclude URLs
- Exclude Bots - search engines can index the images
- Exclude in Joomla! Editor - the plugin is not triggered if the editor is loaded
- Toggle selection - entered data are not excluded, but included
Install the plugin by accessing the administration menu of the back-end under Extensions. Then access Extensions - Plugins - System - Lazy Load and activate it!
The plugin only has to be activated, there are no further adjustments necessary. Easy and effective!
If there are problems loading the images, certain images, components or URLs can be excluded in the settings.
If you don't see any images after the plugin activation, please open the browser console and check whether a JavaScript error is thrown. This does not apply to the native built-in attribute from the PRO version!
Latest release
Version - 2025-01-14
- + Increased technical requirements for Joomla! 5: Increasing Technical Requirements 2025 - Core & PHP for Joomla! Pro Extensions
- + Optimising code to meet new requirements can enhance its quality, performance, and security.
- ^ Updated Vanilla script to version 19.1.2
Version - 2025-01-14
- + Increased technical requirements for Joomla! 5: Increasing Technical Requirements 2025 - Core & PHP for Joomla! Pro Extensions
- + Optimising code to meet new requirements can enhance its quality, performance, and security.
- ^ Updated Vanilla script to version 19.1.2
Version - 2024-05-27
- + Subscriber Interface: The plugin has been rewritten to utilise the subscriber interface, enhancing its integration and performance capabilities.
- + Improved Pro Security Token validation check. The Pro package contains a token file with an individual security token linked to the user account that is checked against the validation server for authenticity. If the file is missing or the token is invalid, you cannot edit the settings and use the extension. The Pro Security Token field has been extended to handle incorrect tokens and blocked accounts. If you encounter an error message related to the token, download the Pro version with your Pro subscription from the linked download page and install it again!
- Attention: The Pro extension will not work correctly if the token file or custom field is missing or modified. Never edit or remove the files to ensure correct functionality.
- ^ Moved static files to the media folder.
Version - 2023-11-14
- + First Pro release for Joomla! 5.x based on LLFJ Pro version
- + The plugin "Behaviour - Backward Compatibility" is not required. The extension only uses supported classes in Joomla! 5.
Version - 2024-07-30
- Increased technical requirements for Joomla! 4: Increasing Technical Requirements 2024 - Core & PHP for Joomla! 4 Pro Extensions.
- ^ Updated the installation script to enable the uninstall process in higher core versions.
Version - 2023-10-12
- + Improved Installation Script: Updated the installation script to check for the highest compatible version of Joomla automatically! This feature aims to prevent issues that may arise from using incompatible core versions, thereby ensuring a smoother installation process.
Version - 2023-02-25
- Increased technical requirements for Joomla! 4: Increasing Technical Requirements - Core & PHP for Joomla! 4 Pro Extensions.
- + Code optimisations.
Version - 2022-09-20
- + Added Pro Security Token validation check. The Pro package contains a token file with an individual security token linked to the user account and checked against the validation server for authenticity.
- ^ Multiple internal code optimisations.
Version - 2022-06-17
- ^ Updated Vanilla script to version 17.8.2
- ^ Updated custom field to bypass description bug in Joomla! 4.1.3.
- ^ Code optimisations
Version - 2021-11-10
- + Added the built-in Download Key Manager support to enter your Pro Update ID without installing the update helper plugin.
Important: Please copy your personal Pro Update ID using the second copy button in the Pro ID Manager and enter the key in System - Update - Update Sites - Select the entry of the Pro extension and enter the ID into the Download Key field. - ^ Updated LazyLoad Vanilla script to version 17.5.0
Version - 2021-08-24
- + First Pro release for Joomla! 4.x based on LLFJ Pro version
Version - 2021-04-06
- ^ Added check to avoid duplicate native built-in lazy-loading attributes
- ^ Updated custom field
- ^ Changed the version number specification. The first number stands for the supported major Joomla! version. The following three numbers follow the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer), as it used to be previously.
Version 3.6.1-PRO - 2021-02-02
- ^ Maintenance release
- ^ Updated LazyLoad Vanilla script to version 17.3.0
- ^ Code optimisations
Version 3.6.0-PRO - 2020-10-27
- + Browser-level image lazy-loading - Added the native built-in lazy-loading attribute supported by most modern browsers. Further information about this functionality: Browser-level image lazy-loading for the web
- ^ Updated LazyLoad Vanilla script to version 17.1.3
- ^ Code optimisations
Version 3.5.3-PRO - 2020-06-03
- + Optimise for slow connections - With this option, the loading of images that exited the viewport is cancelled, to reserve bandwidth for the new images that entered the viewport. Only for the LazyLoad Vanilla script!
- ^ Updated LazyLoad Vanilla script to version 16.1.0
- ^ Updated language files and custom field
Version 3.5.2-PRO - 2020-04-24
- First release with increased technical requirements: Increasing Technical Requirements - Joomla! Core & PHP for Pro & Free Extensions
- + LazyLoad - Plain JavaScript - LazyLoad by Andrea Verlicchi is a lightweight and flexible script that speeds up Joomla! by deferring the loading of the below-the-fold images to when they will enter the viewport. It's written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leverages the IntersectionObserver API, it supports responsive images and enables native lazy loading. Thanks to Michael K. for the suggestion of the implementation!
Version 3.5.1-PRO - 2019-08-14
- + Include/Exclude Image Classes - Limit the processing to particular CSS image classes (class="..."). You can define as many CSS classes as required!
Version 3.5.0-PRO - 2019-04-14
- + First Pro release based on LLFJ version 3.4.0
- + Updated jQuery script to the latest version (2.0.0)
- ^ Removed Mootools script
Version 3.5.0-FREE - 2020-06-06
- First release with increased technical requirements: Increasing Technical Requirements - Joomla! Core & PHP for Pro & Free Extensions
- + Maintenance release - Based on 3.5.3-PRO
- ^ Updated language files and custom fields
- ^ Code optimisations
Version 3.4.1 - 2019-07-22
- + Added Custom Field - Pro Button
- ^ Updated Custom Fields
- ^ Updated Project Page URL
- ^ Code Optimizations
Version 3.4.0 - 2016-06-13
- + New option Toggle selection - Exclude by class - Entered image class is excluded, not included. Thanks for suggestion to Jens K.
Version 3.3.0 - 2015-08-01
- + Donation Code Validation Process - Improved the validation process with a new server (HTTPS request) plus an independent, separated fallback server (HTTP request).
Version 3.2.0 - 2015-06-18
- + Effect (jQuery script only) - By default images are loaded with a nice fading effect. If you just want to show the images without this effect, then select the option 'Show'.
- ^ Image class recognition - The class does not have to be exact any more. So if you specify lazy as the image class value, then combinations like class="thumbnail lazy" will also be recognized.
Version 3.1.0 - 2015-06-16
- + Threshold in pixels (jQuery script only) - By default images are loaded when they appear on the screen. If you want images to load earlier use threshold parameter. Setting threshold to 200 causes image to load 200 pixels before it appears on viewport. (Description from the project website of the jQuery script.)
- ^ Semantic versioning - Switched to semantic versioning, see for more details. Please update manually since the core update server functionality will not recognize the new version!
- ^ Set option "Noscript Fallback" to true by default
Version 3-9 - 2015-02-15
- + Noscript Fallback - With this option the images are additionally loaded in the <noscript> tag so that the images are displayed even though JavaScript is deactivated in the browser!
- + Update Server - Added the Joomla! core functionality for the update checks
- ^ Updated Donation Code field - Uses the HTTP API for the requests and calls the check script via HTTPS
- ^ Links in the language files - Updated outdated links to the JED (Joomla! Extensions Directory)
- ! Removed Version Check field
Version 3-8 - 2014-11-19
- + New feature: Image class - Limit the processing to a particular image class. If you enter for example lazy in the appropriate field, then only images with class="lazy" will be considered in the loading process!
<img class="lazy" src="/image.jpg" alt="description" />
Version 3-7 - 2014-10-02
- # Fixed URL handling - Special treatment of image paths on website without base path and external image URLs - Thank you Scott R. for reporting it
Version 3-6 - 2014-09-30
- + Added new jQuery script - Added a new native Lazy Loading jQuery script to get rid of the Mootools Framework requirement. Script from - Thanks to Mika Tuupola
- ^ Optimized file structure - Moved files (JS and Image) to the corresponding folders, not in root of the plugin
- # Fixed display for Joomla! >= 3.3.4 - Due to a change in the image processing, the plugin needs to add the base path to the images with a relative URL
Version 3-5 - 2014-07-10
- + Exclude replacement in JavaScript template output - Some components (e.g. CComment by compojoom) load the template output via JavaScript. In this loading process all placeholders are replaced with the correct data obtained by an Ajax request. These template blocks are now excluded from the replacement process to avoid blank images.
Version 3-4 - 2014-07-04
- + New option: Exclude template views - With this option you can exclude certain template views, e.g. component. This is useful in some cases, like the print output which uses the view tmpl=component to only show the content of the component.
Version 3-3 - 2013-12-27
- + Added a version requirements check - Since many users do not read the documentation and the changelog, I have implemented a requirements checker with warning message output to avoid errors on unsupported Joomla! versions.
Version 3-2 - 2013-12-24
- ^ Updated custom fields
- ^ Minor code optimizations
- Important: You need at least Joomla! 3.2 to use this version!
Version 3-1 - 14-Jan-2013
+ First release for Joomla! 3.x
^ Optimized Donation Code System
Version 2.5-6 - 2013-12-24
- ^ Updated custom fields
- ^ Minor code optimizations
Version 2.5-5 - 24-Sep-2012
+ Implemented Versioncheck - Stay uptodate with the great new feature! The latest version can be checked once per session or on every load of the settings page.
^ Optimized Donation Code System - The entered donation code is checked only once per session.
Version 2.5-4 - 05-Jun-2012
Version 2.5-3 - 02-May-2012
+ Exclude bots - search engines can index the images
+ Exclude the plugin in Joomla! Editor - the plugin is not triggered if the editor is loaded
+ Toggle selection - entered data are not excluded, but included
Version 2.5-2 - 29-Apr-2012
+ Exclude images
Version 2.5-1 - 28-Jan-2012
+ First release for Joomla! 2.5
+ Exclude URLs
Version 1.7-2 - 07.11.2011
+ Komponenten ausschließen - bei Problemen in der Darstellung der Bilder können bestimmte Komponenten ausgeschlossenen werden
Version 1.7-1 - 21.08.2011
+ Bilder erst laden, wenn sie benötigt werden
+ Bandbreite sparen
+ Ladegeschwindigkeit erhöhen
+ Fade-In Effekt beim Nachladen
+ Einbindung des Skripts "Lazy Load" von David Walsh
Overview of all downloads of the extension: LLFJ - Lazy Load for Joomla! Downloads