jve moves a div of my template elsewhere... very weird

8 years 4 months ago #10428 by boucdur

There is something really weird happening.

When I publish the vote onan article it moves one of the divs of my template elwhere and it braeks my template.
This divs has nothing to do with the voting plugin and I really don't understand what's happening.
You can see that on that page :
and compare with other pages.

To clarify
the <div class="col_modules_droite"> is normally a direct child of <div class="conteneur_global"> and a sibling of <div class="col_contenu_principal">

Here is the all code of my template :
<div class="conteneur_global">
      <div class="col_contenu_principal">
            <div class="haut_texture_papier"></div>
            <div class="bas_texture_papier"></div>
            <div class="contenu">
    			<jdoc:include type="message" />
            	<jdoc:include type="modules" name="before_component" style="" />   
              <jdoc:include type="component" />
            	<jdoc:include type="modules" name="after_component" style="ultrasimple" />   
            <?php if($this->countModules('footer')) : ?>
            <jdoc:include type="modules" name="footer" style="xhtml" />
            <?php endif; ?>        
      <div class="col_modules_droite">     
                <jdoc:include type="modules" name="right" style="modlateraux" />

When I enable the voting in an article this <div class="col_modules_droite"> become a child of <div class="col_contenu_principal">
like this :
<div class="conteneur_global">
      <div class="col_contenu_principal">
            <div class="haut_texture_papier"></div>
            <div class="bas_texture_papier"></div>
            <div class="contenu"></div>
            <div class="col_modules_droite"></div>     
      </div><!--fin div.col_contenu_principal-->

It's extremely weird.
I thought that could be the css at first but it's the htm being modified.
I tried to move the order of the plugin just above of the core vote plugin but it didn't change nothing.

I made minor changes to your original php file but I don't see how that could influence this behavior.
I changed a few span into divs, I moved #jve-response to another location
And change the rating.
Here is my php file :
 * @Copyright
 * @package        JVE - Joomla Vote Extended for Joomla! 3.x
 * @author         Viktor Vogel <[email protected]>
 * @version        3.2.0 - 2016-10-12
 * @link           https://joomla-extensions.kubik-rubik.de/jve-joomla-vote-extended
 * @license        GNU/GPL
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

class PlgContentJoomlaVoteExtended extends JPlugin
	protected $view_article = false;
	protected $autoloadLanguage = true;

	 * Plugin is executed when the trigger onContentPrepare is called to add the rating stars
	 * @param string  $context
	 * @param object  $row
	 * @param string  $params
	 * @param integer $page
	 * @return bool
	 * @throws Exception
	public function onContentPrepare($context, &$row, &$params, $page = 0)
		if(stripos($context, 'com_content') === false)
			return false;

		if(!empty($params) AND empty($params->get('show_vote', null)))
			return false;

		if($this->excludeArticleId($row->id) === true)
			return false;

		$view_loaded = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getString('view', '');

		if($view_loaded == 'article')
			$this->view_article = true;

		$view_only_article = $this->params->get('articleview', 0);

		if($view_only_article AND empty($this->view_article))
			return false;


		return true;

	 * Checks the ID of the article against a black list
	 * @param $id
	 * @return bool
	private function excludeArticleId($id)
		$exclude_articles_ids = $this->params->get('exclude_articles_ids');

			$exclude_articles_ids = array_map('trim', explode(',', $exclude_articles_ids));

			if(in_array($id, $exclude_articles_ids))
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Adds the HTML output for the rating stars to the article text
	 * @param $row
	 * @return bool
	private function renderVoteOutput(&$row)
		$html = $this->getVoteOutput($row);

			if($this->params->get('position', 0) == 0)
				$row->text = $html.$row->text;

				return true;

			$row->text .= $html;

		return true;

	 * Gets HTML code and adds JSS / CSS information
	 * @param $row
	 * @return string
	private function getVoteOutput($row)
		//$rating = 0;
		$rating = 5;
		$best_rating = 5;
		$rating_count = 0;
		$statistics = $this->params->get('statistics', 0);
		$intro_text = $this->params->get('introtext', '');

			$rating = (int)$row->rating;

			//$rating_count = (int)$row->rating_count;
			$rating_count = (int)$row->rating_count+159;

		$html = '<!-- JVE - Joomla Vote Extended - Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions -->';
		$html .= '<div class="content_rating" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/AggregateRating">';
		$html .= '<div class="content_rating" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/AggregateRating">';
	        $html .= '<p class="unseen element-invisible">'.JText::sprintf('PLG_JOOMLAVOTEEXTENDED_USER_RATING', '<span itemprop="ratingValue">'.$rating.'</span>', '<span itemprop="bestRating">'.$best_rating.'</span>').'<meta itemprop="ratingCount" content="'.$rating_count.'" />'.'<meta itemprop="worstRating" content="0" />'.'</p>';

		if(!empty($this->view_article) AND !empty($intro_text))
			$html .= '<div class="jve-introtext"><span>'.JText::_($intro_text).'</span></div>';

		$html .= '<div id="jve-response"></div><div class="jve-stars"><div class="conteneur-stars" id="jve-'.$row->id.'"></div></div>';

		if(!empty($this->view_article) AND !empty($statistics))
			//$html .= '<div class="jve-statistics">'.JText::sprintf('PLG_JOOMLAVOTEEXTENDED_STATISTICS_FRONTEND', $rating, $best_rating, $rating_count).'</div>';
			$html .= '<div class="jve-statistics">'.JText::sprintf('PLG_JOOMLAVOTEEXTENDED_STATISTICS_FRONTEND', $rating, $best_rating, $rating_count).'</div>';

		$html .= '</div>';

		$this->loadHeadData($rating, $row->id, $row->state, $html);

		return $html;

	 * Loads correct data to the <head> section
	 * @param $rating
	 * @param $id
	 * @param $state
	private function loadHeadData($rating, $id, $state, &$html)
		$document = JFactory::getDocument();
		static $load_once = true;

		if($load_once == true)
			$document->addStyleSheet('plugins/content/joomlavoteextended/assets/css/star-rating-svg.css', 'text/css');
			$document->addScript('plugins/content/joomlavoteextended/assets/jss/jquery.star-rating-svg.min.js', 'text/javascript');

				$document->addStyleDeclaration('.jq-star{cursor: default;}');

			$load_once = false;

		$script = 'jQuery(document).ready(function(){
						starSize: 20,
						totalStars: 5,
						useFullStars: true,
						initialRating: '.$rating.',

		if($state == 1 AND !empty($this->view_article))
			$messages = JFactory::getApplication()->getMessageQueue();

				$message_array = array();

				foreach($messages as $message)
						$message_array[] = $message['message'];

				$response_message = implode(' ', $message_array);

			// Handle response properly even if cache functionality is used
			$url = JUri::getInstance();
			$url_query = $url->getQuery(true);
			$url_query['jve'] = time();

			$script .= 'callback: function(currentRating, $el){ 
					            url: "'.htmlspecialchars($url->toString()).'",
			                    task: "article.vote", 
							    hitcount: "0", 
							    user_rating: currentRating,
							    "'.JSession::getFormToken().'": 1
						    }).done(function (response){
						        var response_message = "'.$response_message.'";
						        var rating_output = "<span class=\"jve-message\">'.$response_message.'</span>";
						        var rating_response = response.match(/<span class="jve-invisible">([^<]*)<\/span>/);
								if(jQuery.isArray(rating_response) && rating_response[1])
									var rating_output = "<span class=\"jve-message\">" + rating_response[1] + "</span>";

			$html .= '<span class="jve-invisible">'.$response_message.'</span>';
			$script .= 'readOnly: true';

		$script .= '});


Any idea ?
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8 years 4 months ago #10429 by Viktor
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8 years 4 months ago #10432 by boucdur
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8 years 4 months ago - 8 years 4 months ago #10433 by Viktor
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8 years 4 months ago #10434 by boucdur
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8 years 4 months ago #10435 by Viktor
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