Trying to exclude lazy-load-min.js on Kunena forum page only

6 years 2 weeks ago - 6 years 2 weeks ago #11130 by joebuck22
Joomla 3.9.2 / Template - Shape 5 - Sports Nation
Forum - Kunena 5.1.8
Other important plugins/components that could conflict:
Admin Tools version 5.2.1
JCH Optimize 5.4.1

Yes, I’m beginner

Issue: Using a Shape5 template that uses Lazyload script but it doesn't work with the Kunena form. Your plugin was the answer, but I have not been able to configure the JS Control because I have not been able to find the "Specific page parameters" using the debug mode.

Problem: I have 1) turned on the debug mode in the Joomla backend and then 2) opened the forum page in another browser tab. 3) Then I looked at the debug readout on the JCC plugin. There is nothing there that looks like the example on your Install page.

Am I missing Something????

Here is the debug readout:

"__default": {
"session": {
"counter": 35,
"token": "vf7XTxhPMPQEO6LlfZ4yz9YjhZSHeyFE",
"timer": {
"start": 1547754826,
"last": 1547755116,
"now": 1547755116
"registry": {
"com_installer": {
"message": "",
"extension_message": ""
"com_plugins": {
"plugins": {
"filter": {
"search": "",
"enabled": "",
"folder": "",
"element": "",
"access": ""
"list": {
"fullordering": "folder ASC",
"limit": "200",
"sortTable": "folder",
"directionTable": "ASC"
"limitstart": 0
"edit": {
"plugin": {
"id": [
"data": null
"com_config": {
"config": {
"global": {
"data": null
"user": {
"id": "42",
"name": "Super User",
"username": "xxxxxx",
"email": "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.",
"password": "x7x7x7x7x7",
"password": "",
"block": "0",
"sendEmail": "1",
"registerDate": "2018-11-11 05:41:58",
"lastvisitDate": "2019-01-17 19:53:47",
"activation": "0",
"params": "{\"admin_style\":\"\",\"admin_language\":\"\",\"language\":\"\",\"editor\":\"\",\"helpsite\":\"\",\"timezone\":\"\"}",
"groups": {
"8": "8"
"guest": 0,
"lastResetTime": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"resetCount": "0",
"requireReset": "0",
"otpKey": "",
"otep": ""
"application": {
"queue": []
"__plg_admintools": {
"waf": {
"loggedin": 1
"__krdonationcodecheck": {
"field_value": "
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6 years 2 weeks ago #11132 by Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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6 years 1 week ago #11133 by joebuck22
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6 years 1 week ago #11135 by Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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