I would like to use the captcha of ECC+ in the contact form of our choir (Joomla version 2.5.8.). After installation appears a wide button without tekst. Before activating ECC+ (version 2.5.6.) there was in that place a smaler orange button with the tekst "verstuur e-mail" (send e-mail). This smaler button is after activating not visible anymore See below.
I asked the forum of a Dutch Joomla site for help. (www.joomlanl.nl) A forum moderator thinks that there is possibly a template/extension-problem ist. From the maker of my template I recieved the latest version of the template that was made in Artisteer That did not solve my problem The <div> of the plugin stands now in the middle of the button.
Does anyone see a solution ? Many Thanks. Frans Bennenbroek Note: I don’t know much about HTML codes.
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