Name: Easy Performance Booster (EPB)
Version: (Joomla! 5) / (Joomla! 4) / (Joomla! 3)
Type: Plugin
License: GPLv3
Description: Easy Performance Booster improves the website loading performance significantly.
Download: EPB - Easy Performance Booster Downloads
Easy Performance Booster speeds up the loading time of your Joomla! website
This plugin improves the loading performance significantly by minifying, concatenating and caching static files (JavaScript and CSS) and minifying the main HTML output.
Additionally, the plugin generates an optimized .htaccess file with necessary compression and caching settings to enable the optimization on Apache servers. If the .htaccess file does not exist, the plugin creates it automatically using the latest template provided by the Joomla! project.
JavaScript and CSS files can be excluded fine-granularly from being processed using specific execution parameters. It's also possible to limit the execution of the complete plugin to particular components or languages. Use the Debug Mode to find the required values for specific pages.
Note: You must place the plugin in the last position (Ordering - Order Last). If you are using a cache plugin (for instance Page Cache Extended), then you must place Easy Performance Booster just right before this plugin. It means that in this constellation the cache plugin must be placed last and Easy Performance Booster just before it!
- Speeds up the loading performance significantly
- Minifies main HTML code
- Minifies JavaScript and CSS files
- Concatenates JavaScript and CSS files
- Caches optimized JavaScript and CSS files
- Adds JavaScript attribute: Normal, Async or Defer (PRO)
- Generates an optimized .htaccess file (PRO)
- Creates .htaccess file from htaccess.txt template (PRO)
- Adds compression and caching rules to .htaccess file (PRO)
- Static files can be excluded from being processed fine-granularly
- Plugin execution can be controlled fine-granularly
- Debug Mode to find required parameters for exclusion
Pro Feature - Symbolic Links

Install Easy Performance Booster with the help of the Installer component as usual. Then activate the plugin in Extensions -- Plugins -- System - Easy Performance Booster.
Latest release
Version - 2025-01-11
- + Increased technical requirements for Joomla! 5: Increasing Technical Requirements 2025 - Core & PHP for Joomla! Pro Extensions
- + Optimising code to meet new requirements can enhance its quality, performance, and security.
- + Updated 3rd party library:
- voku/html-min (4.5.0 => 4.5.1)
- voku/simple_html_dom (4.8.8 => 4.8.10)
Version - 2025-01-11
- + Increased technical requirements for Joomla! 5: Increasing Technical Requirements 2025 - Core & PHP for Joomla! Pro Extensions
- + Optimising code to meet new requirements can enhance its quality, performance, and security.
- + Updated 3rd party library:
- voku/html-min (4.5.0 => 4.5.1)
- voku/simple_html_dom (4.8.8 => 4.8.10)
Version - 2024-05-13
- + Subscriber Interface: The plugin has been rewritten to utilise the subscriber interface, enhancing its integration and performance capabilities.
- + Improved Pro Security Token validation check. The Pro package contains a token file with an individual security token linked to the user account that is checked against the validation server for authenticity. If the file is missing or the token is invalid, you cannot edit the settings and use the extension. The Pro Security Token field has been extended to handle incorrect tokens and blocked accounts. If you encounter an error message related to the token, download the Pro version with your Pro subscription from the linked download page and install it again!
- Attention: The Pro extension will not work correctly if the token file or custom field is missing or modified. Never edit or remove the files to ensure correct functionality.
- ^ Moved static file to the media folder.
- + Updated 3rd party library:
- matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.70 => 1.3.73)
Version - 2023-11-30
- + First Pro release for Joomla! 5.x based on EPB Pro version
- + The plugin "Behaviour - Backward Compatibility" is not required. The extension only uses supported classes in Joomla! 5.
Version - 2024-07-30
- Increased technical requirements for Joomla! 4: Increasing Technical Requirements 2024 - Core & PHP for Joomla! 4 Pro Extensions.
- ^ Updated the installation script to enable the uninstall process in higher core versions.
- + Updated 3rd party library:
- voku/html-min (4.5.0 => 4.5.1)
- voku/simple_html_dom (4.8.8 => 4.8.10)
- matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.71 => 1.3.73)
Version - 2023-10-12
- + Improved Installation Script: Updated the installation script to check for the highest compatible version of Joomla automatically! This feature aims to prevent issues that may arise from using incompatible core versions, thereby ensuring a smoother installation process.
- + Updated 3rd party libraries:
- matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.70 => 1.3.71)
- voku/simple_html_dom (4.8.7 => 4.8.8)
- + Updated .htaccess template file with the latest version.
Version - 2023-01-29
- Increased technical requirements for Joomla! 4: Increasing Technical Requirements - Core & PHP for Joomla! 4 Pro Extensions.
- + Updated Concatenate JavaScript option: JavaScript files with the attribute type="module" are not combined to avoid JS errors!
- + Updated 3rd party libraries:
- matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.69 => 1.3.70)
- voku/simple_html_dom (4.8.6 => 4.8.7)
- symfony/css-selector (v6.0.11 => v6.0.19)
- # Fixed A script element with a defer attribute must not have a type attribute with the value module error for the script. Thanks to Thomas (Testament7 Arts) for reporting it!
Version - 2022-11-28
- + Added Purge cache files option. With this option, you may purge the EPB cache manually.
Version - 2022-09-03
- + Added Pro Security Token validation check. The Pro package contains a token file with an individual security token linked to the user account and checked against the validation server for authenticity.
- + Increased the minimum required PHP version to 8.0.2 due to the requirement of Symfony CSS selector.
- + Updated 3rd party libraries:
- Instant Page JS (5.1.0 => 5.1.1)
- matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.68 => 1.3.69)
- voku/html-min (4.4.10 => 4.5.0)
- voku/simple_html_dom (4.8.5 => 4.8.6)
- symfony/css-selector (v6.0.3 => v6.0.11)
- ^ Multiple internal code optimisations.
Version - 2022-05-16
- + Updated 3rd party libraries:
- matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.66 => 1.3.68)
- voku/html-min (4.4.8 => 4.4.10)
- voku/simple_html_dom (4.7.29 => 4.8.5)
- symfony/css-selector (v5.3.4 => v6.0.3)
- + Updated .htaccess template file with the latest version.
- + Added logging to debug URI parameters retrievement.
- ^ Updated custom field to bypass description bug in Joomla! 4.1.3.
Version - 2021-11-14
- + Added the built-in Download Key Manager support to enter your Pro Update ID without installing the update helper plugin.
Important: Please copy your personal Pro Update ID using the second copy button in the Pro ID Manager and enter the key in System - Update - Update Sites - Select the entry of the Pro extension and enter the ID into the Download Key field. - ^ Code optimisations
Version - 2021-09-28
- # Changed cache folder to /cache. Joomla! 4 changed the location of JPATH_CACHE to /administrator/cache. Thanks to Markus B. for reporting it!
Version - 2021-09-14
- + First Pro release for Joomla! 4.x based on EPB Pro version
Version - 2021-07-14
- + Preload pages with - With this option, pages are preloaded when a user has hovered a link for 65 ms with his mouse or starts touching the display before releasing it. For more information about the used script, visit
- ^ Optimised path handling of internal files loaded using the domain name (absolute instead of relative paths)
Version - 2021-07-12
- # Optimised parameters check of the exclusion option if the value is an integer
Version - 2021-06-22
- ^ Upgraded symfony/css-selector (v5.2.7 => v5.3.0)
- ^ Updated custom field
- # Added an additional return type check for Folder::files()
Version - 2021-05-13
- ^ Improved optimisation of CSS files with conditional rules and media attributes
Version - 2021-04-06
- + Added Optimise inline elements option - With this option, also inline elements are optimised and minified. Note: This could lead to unexpected behaviour if the data has to be created dynamically on each page request. Thanks to Michael K. for reporting it!
- ^ Updated 3rd party libraries - voku/simple_html_dom (4.7.29)
- ^ Changed the version number specification. The first number stands for the supported major Joomla! version. The following three numbers follow the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer), as it used to be previously.
Version 3.2.7-PRO - 2021-04-01
- ^ Removed possible TypeError issue with old JavaScript code
- ^ Changed the way how the optimised CSS file is minified (correct @import position)
Version 3.2.6-PRO - 2021-03-29
- + Added Head section only option - With this option, the general optimization is only applied to files and code in the loaded pages' head section. This approach will solve or at least mitigate issues with scrips that require to be loaded after specific HTML code parts and therefore must be executed within the body tag.
- ^ Revised the minification process for better flag recognition - Files are minified separately and then concatenated into one file without losing the ID checks' required information.
- ^ Improved check for external JS files - External files are not removed from the optimised output.
Version 3.2.5-PRO - 2021-03-24
- # Fixed the positioning of the optimised combined cache file if the first JavaScript instruction is an inline tag
Version 3.2.4-PRO - 2021-03-23
- ^ Improved the handling of loaded static files not going through Joomla!'s API
- ^ Changed the positioning of the optimised combined cache file to mitigate JavaScript conflicts
- ^ Adjusted the recognition and processing of the inline elements
- ^ Updated 3rd party libraries (dependencies)
- ^ Code optimisations
Version 3.2.3-PRO - 2021-01-31
- ^ Maintenance release
- ^ Updated 3rd party libraries (HtmlMin 4.4.8 & Minify 1.3.66)
- ^ Updated htaccess template file to the latest version
- ^ Updated language files
- ^ Code optimisations
Version 3.2.2-PRO - 2020-06-28
- + Order of plugins - Plugins are ordered correctly in the installation process automatically
- # Added a check whether cached files exist while trying to create symbolic links to avoid an error
Version 3.2.1-PRO - 2020-05-24
- + New option Create symbolic links automatically - With this option, the symbolic links are created automatically on each static file creation process. This option should be enabled if the website has many pages and Easy Performance Booster creates numerous cache files. By activating this functionality, identical cache files are replaced with symbolic links, and only one target file copy is stored. Keep this option disabled if you want to have more control over this functionality or does not want to use it at all!
Version 3.2.0-PRO - 2020-05-17
- + New option Create Symbolic Links - With this option, identical cache files are replaced with symbolic links, and only one target file copy is stored. This feature reduces the required space drastically!
- # Messages from AJAX requests are returned in the selected language
Version 3.1.0-PRO - 2020-04-26
- + Technical requirements: Increasing Technical Requirements - Joomla! Core & PHP for Pro & Free Extensions
- + Added German translation files
- + Improved .htaccess optimization handling - Now each optimization rule (GZIP, Expires, Headers and .htacces creation) can be added or removed separately with one click.
- + Added Expires rules for Fonts - Thanks to Michael K. for the suggestion!
- ^ Updated 3rd party libraries (HtmlMin 4.4.3 & Minify 1.3.63)
Version 3.0.2-PRO - 2019-11-18
- ^ Updated 3rd party library for HTML Minification (HtmlMin 4.0.7)
- ^ Updated the way 3rd party libraries are loaded - Completely using Composer, not just for dependencies.
Version 3.0.1-PRO - 2019-11-14
- + Option JS attribute - How should the cached Javascript file be loaded? Normal - JavaScript fetching and execution pause the HTML parsing. Async - JavaScript fetching runs asynchronously, execution pauses the HTML parsing once the file was fetched. Defer - JavaScript fetching runs asynchronously, the script is executed once the HTML parsing was completed.
- + Option Exclude User Groups - The plugin is not executed if the user is in one of the selected groups.
- ^ Updated 3rd party libraries
- # Fixed wrong variable usage for Converter class
Version 3.0.0-PRO - 2019-08-27
- + First release for Joomla! >= 3.8
Version - 2021-05-13
- Maintenace release based on with all improvements available in the free version
- ^ Changed the version number specification. The first number stands for the supported major Joomla! version. The following three numbers follow the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer), as it used to be previously.
- ^ Improved optimisation of CSS files with conditional rules and media attributes
Version 3.0.2-FREE - 2020-05-17
- ^ Maintenance update
Version 3.0.1-FREE - 2020-05-03
- + Added German translation files
- ^ Updated 3rd party libraries (HtmlMin 4.4.3 & Minify 1.3.63)
Version 3.0.0-FREE - 2020-01-04
- + First free release based on version 3.0.2-PRO
- + Technical requirements: Increasing Technical Requirements - Joomla! Core & PHP for Pro & Free Extensions
- + Modern, optimized code
- ^ Updated 3rd party libraries (HtmlMin & Minify)
Overview of all downloads of the extension: EPB - Easy Performance Booster Downloads