
EDM - Easy Development Mode

EDM - Easy Development Mode Pro - Joomla! 5

This system plugin performs several pre-defined actions to toggle the website state from production to development (and vice-versa) with one click!

Type: Plugin

Joomla! Version: >= 5.2.0

EDM - Easy Development Mode Pro - Joomla! 4

This system plugin performs several pre-defined actions to toggle the website state from production to development (and vice-versa) with one click!

Type: Plugin

Joomla! Version: >= 4.4.0

EDM - Easy Development Mode Pro - Joomla! 3

This system plugin performs several pre-defined actions to toggle the website state from production to development (and vice-versa) with one click!

Type: Plugin

Joomla! Version: >= 3.9.0

EDM - Easy Development Mode - Joomla! 3

This Joomla! plugin performs several pre-defined actions to toggle the website state from production to development (and vice-versa) with one click!

Video: EDM - Easy Development Mode - CMS Joomla!

Type: Plugin

Joomla! Version: 3.x