SEOFLI apparently not working

3 Monate 1 Woche her #16392 von msottini
SEOFLI apparently not working wurde erstellt von msottini
Good morning, I installed the extension and enabled it. I could not find any entry in the component menu for configuration. Apparently it is not working (for example no title is added to images).
Additionally, I would like to understand if the generation process is done each time a page is requested or it is saved somewhere (in other words how it impacts on page performances).
Many thanks
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3 Monate 1 Woche her #16393 von Viktor
Viktor antwortete auf SEOFLI apparently not working
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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3 Monate 1 Woche her #16395 von msottini
msottini antwortete auf SEOFLI apparently not working
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3 Monate 1 Woche her #16397 von Viktor
Viktor antwortete auf SEOFLI apparently not working
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions

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