Hi Viktor,
I just installed JVE.
here is my first and most important question out of three :
I "don't really need" a rating system
What I want though is the stars underneath my pages in the result of google when they appear in the search result.
At the moment I have them because I inserted the rich snippets in my pages.
I attribuated myself a note of 5/5 and number of 100 votes.
However in order to be a bit more honnest and make the ratting be different on each page I will probably put your rating system visible in the page.
My probleme is :
If I don't get no votes by the visitors I won't get the stars in the google results neither.
I thought that it would be nice to put the value I want for example 5/5 and 5 votes where the vote plugin appear even if noone voted yet.
The votes of my visitors could be added to these inital values.
Do you think that would be possible to change a few lines in a file to get that ?
I tried to change these lines in /plugins/content/joomlavoteextended/joomlavoteextended.php
private function getVoteOutput($row)
$rating = 5;/*instead of 0*/
$best_rating = 5;
$rating_count = 98;/*instead of 0*/
$statistics = $this->params->get('statistics', 0);
$intro_text = $this->params->get('introtext', '');
Unfortunatly it didn't work and didn't do nothing actually.
An other question for a detail.
the results are shown like this :
4 of 5 - 1 votes
it's in english
I could find how to translate that to french
It should be :
4 sur 5 - 1 vote
Last question :
It seems that I can only vote once.
Or more accuratatly...I can vote multiple times but the result does'nt change. Even if I reload the page it says 4 of 5 - 1 votes
It seems to me it's not a matter of cache as I believe I emptied my cache with care
You can check that in this page :
www.tourdumondiste.com/argentine/carnet-...ge-argentine-mendoza _____________________________
Thank you. I hope you can help me with that.