Can't seem to include js or css files

10 Monate 4 Wochen her #14649 von bwd
Hello again Viktor:

I am trying to add bootstrap.min.js and bootstrap.min.css to one page and neither seem to get added. The files that I specified to get removed are excluded correctly, but I can't seem to add files:

JS File: /media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js
User status: All
limit exec: option=com_gpstools,view=tracks,format=html,Itemid=466
Toggle :YES

I have tried /jui/js/bootstrap.min.js and also removing the limit exec and it is still not added.

Diese Nachricht enthält vertrauliche Informationen.

JS css control using:Joomla 4.3.2
PHP 8.0.28
MySQLi 5.7.42
Caching Disabled
Gzip Enabled

Any ideas? 

Thank you,
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10 Monate 4 Wochen her #14650 von Viktor
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