EFSEO - Titel attribute ([D] is the default title of the loaded page)

7 Jahre 14 Stunden her #10835 von mpiprojects

In the plugin settings, I can setup the title attribute with 3 options.
The description states: [D] is the default title of the loaded page!

Accept, it doesn't return the titelpage, it returns the menu alias.

As I understand this is now the default behavour of Joomla. I can remember the default some time ago, being the actual article title. And that is exaclty what I need. And what I expected from this plugin aswell :(

Can you please add the following option to the plugin?

[A] is the actual title of the article (or category, unless not available).

Or something like this :)

It would be greatly appriciated if I could get a solution for the article title inside browser title.

Many thanks in advance / Vielen dank.

Best regards from Tenerife.
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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6 Jahre 11 Monate her - 6 Jahre 11 Monate her #10853 von mpiprojects
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6 Jahre 11 Monate her #10859 von Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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