Add rating description

11 Jahre 10 Monate her - 11 Jahre 10 Monate her #7514 von MaTsch
Add rating description wurde erstellt von MaTsch
Hi guys!

I've installed this guestbook component (it's really great!), but I had a small issue with the "rating" field. I try to explain: A new user reads the messages in the guestbook and sees the ratings. He (or she) intuitively thinks that this field shows the rating of that particular comment (done by other users) rather than the rating of the website (done by the comment author). I found this a bit confusing, since there is no description of this field. So I did a tiny change in order to add a small description before the rating field. Here is a step by step solution.

1.) Open the file "/components/com_easybookreloaded/views/easybookreloaded/tmpl/default_entries.php".
2.) Before the line
for($start = 1; $start <= $this->params->get('rating_max', 5); $start++)
echo "<strong class='easy_small'>".JText::_('COM_EASYBOOKRELOADED_RATING_DESCRIPTION')."</strong>";
3.) Open the file "/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_easybookreloaded.ini" (resp. the appropriate file of your site's language).
4.) Add

After making those changes every guestbook entry containing a website rating shows an appropriate message explaining what that 10 stars are good for. :-)

Thank you very much for such a useful component! :-)
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11 Jahre 10 Monate her #7521 von Viktor
Viktor antwortete auf Re: Add rating description
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