How can the displayed items be set differently?

3 Monate 3 Wochen her #15448 von asociatiaveterin
How can the displayed items be set differently? wurde erstellt von asociatiaveterin
There is a possibility that the Content - Author Info Box Pro plugin has other options for setting the articles to be displayed. Now displays the author's most read articles. As a rule, very old articles have the most hits. The authors do not want articles from 10 years ago to be displayed. A solution would be to be able to select the display and the Featured function. It would be ideal if the date or period of publication was also added.

Do you think you can give me a suggestion on how to do it? this thing? Is it possible to pay for the customization of this plugin?
Thank you,
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3 Monate 2 Wochen her #15449 von Viktor
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