Privacy-friendly integration of Google Maps in Joomla! articles.
Privacy-friendly integration of iframes in Joomla! articles.
Privacy-friendly integration of OpenStreetMap in Joomla! articles.
More Privacy on Social Buttons! Data are loaded only after a click.
Privacy-friendly integration of Youtube videos in Joomla! articles.
Display important information about the author above or underneath the article in an author info box!
Auto subscription - Automatic activation of subscriptions in the Kunena forum.
Stops brute-force attacks and optimises your site performance by limiting the number of login attempts.
Switches the language in the backend directly, without having to leave the opened page.
Small and quick countdown module for unlimited number of event entries (with count up function).
Load content depending on the user's devices - Server-side filtering through the User Agent.
Show popular search phrases that were entered in a search engine (default is Google) to find the page.
Easybook Reloaded is a user-friendly guestbook component with many features!
Protects Joomla! forms and third-party extensions from spam messages and spam registrations.
This plugin effectively protects a Joomla! website from spam messages and fraudulent registrations.
Enables the Content Delivery Network support in Joomla! by rewriting the paths of static files.
The plugin automatically integrates lightbox functionality to page images using the GLightbox library.
Protects content in articles with a special syntax from specified user groups. Plus: Global Password Protection.
Sets the error reporting level depending on the selected user groups.
Edit or add relevant metadata such as title, description, generator and keywords directly in the frontend.
Resizes uploaded images and creates multi-size images automatically.
Create backups with Easy Joomla Backup - Files and database dump as a ZIP archive.
Creates an XML sitemap to help search engines index the entire Joomla! site.
Simple spoiler with the help of CSS - Hide text that can be displayed with the mouse.
With this plugin you may create semantic sitemaps in which articles are grouped by their keywords.
EOR replaces or completely removes parts of the rendered HTML output.
Easy Performance Booster improves the website loading performance significantly.
The security plugin monitors the user registration process by verifying email, username, and user agent.
With Easy User Login, administrators can log into other user accounts in the frontend.
Strong passwords are enforced based on individual rules with this plugin.
Show an overview over all articles with the fewest or most hits with many features.
Simple to use, well structured and fast security layer for Joomla!
With this module you can create a slideshow (text or images) with a nice slide or fade effect.
Control the loading of JS and CSS files globally and specifically in Joomla!
File Scanner - Scans the system for integrity with Core, Snapshots and Archive Checks.
Extended version of the Vote plugin with a modern look and Ajax transmission support.
Images are loaded only in the visible area - Advantage: saves bandwidth and the pages are loaded much faster.
Scrolling news - show own messages in a scroller on a module position.
Redirects Non-Sef URLs (dynamic URLs) to SEF URLs.
Obscure easily internal and external links in Joomla! or use this plugin as a webcode generator.
Improves the page loading time and gives you more control of the cached pages.
Small and fast generator for passwords (with Easy and Safe mode).
Back-end users can efficiently add shared and private notes in the Joomla! administration area.
Performs maintenance tasks (clear and purge expired cache, global check-in) within seconds.
This module shows random images on a module position. It is a further development of RIM!
Shows an unlimited number of Youtube videos in shuffle mode in Joomla!.
Title and Alt attributes are set automatically - Important for search engine optimization.
With SIGE you can embed galleries in articles with many options and features.
This module is a complete visitor counter for Joomla! with numerous features and backend info.