To many newsitmes in html source code

12 Jahre 5 Tage her #7406 von ptrouw
To many newsitmes in html source code wurde erstellt von ptrouw
I just installed your great scroller in J1.5. I had a look at the generated html source code and I don't understand why I see a total of 16 newsitems.
I used all the 5 news-item spots in the module and have set it to consecutive. I would assume I would only see 5 news-items in the sourcecode, but not 16!.
Any ideas how to fix this?
I think somehow the loop or counting in the helper.php file is incorrect.
Cheers Paul
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12 Jahre 5 Tage her #7407 von ptrouw
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12 Jahre 5 Tage her - 12 Jahre 5 Tage her #7413 von Viktor
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