Display all rules at once and/or upfront

11 Jahre 1 Monat her #8748 von cpreston
Display all rules at once and/or upfront wurde erstellt von cpreston
I have specified that passwords must contain upper & lowercase letter, special characters and numbers. If you are missing all of these, it only complains about one of them. I'd like it to display all of the rules in a single message, so people don't have to try changing their passwords multiple times to see all the rules. Obviously, this should be configurable as some people might not want to display it that way.

I'd also like to see the plugin display next to the password box a message that says the same thing -- before you enter your password.
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11 Jahre 1 Monat her #8749 von cpreston
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11 Jahre 1 Monat her #8751 von Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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11 Jahre 4 Wochen her #8794 von Viktor
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Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
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